Sci-fi Lovers Kay West Sci-fi Lovers Kay West

System Collapse by Martha Wells

This book is best read in a sprawling underground colony bunker, in the dark, but before ScoutDrone1 alerts you to movement down a corridor. Your risk assessment will say there's a 68% chance of it being a SecUnit hunting you. Wait. Make that two SecUnits. So read fast.

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Sci-fi Lovers Kay West Sci-fi Lovers Kay West

Mal Goes to War by Edward Ashton

This book is best read in a natural rock shelter, after you've been taken prisoner and are being used as bait to find the rest of your crew. Just remember to keep an eye on the sky, you never know what Mal might drop on the bad guys.

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Feminist Retelling Kay West Feminist Retelling Kay West

Inanna by Emily H. Wilson

This book is best read under a tree, by the beach with your pet tigers on either side of you, while you eat figs, honey cakes and cheese. Remember to keep your sword or slingshot close by, because these parts are dangerous, even for a goddess like you.

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