Inanna by Emily H. Wilson


God-tier level mythology retelling. A must-read for Greek mythology and folklore lovers.

This book is a retelling of the Epic of Gilgamesh, which is often said to be the oldest piece of literature in existence. However, this is not just Gilgamesh's story, this is also a retelling of two other myths which include the goddess Inanna (who is said to have morphed into/inspired Aphrodite then Venus).

While this book is based on text and characters that are thousands of years old, Emily H. Wilson has written a story that reads as fresh and relevant as if it were written today. The pacing surprised me in how fast we moved, which was a great way to reveal each character's motivations and moral compass.

We follow three major characters, although the book introduces us to many more along the way. We're introduced to the titular Inanna in the moment she is born, the first new god since time out of mind. Although Inanna is young and sheltered, we follow her through the book as she grows into her power (both literal and figurative).

Next we're introduced in the hero Gilgamesh in the most unheroly way, which I LOVED. He's just lost a fight, he's on the ground being poked between his chest armour by a soldier holding a spear, he escapes by rolling into the raging Tigris, only to start drowning because his armour is so heavy. This character is so fun and interesting and Emily H. Wilson skillfully circumvents our collective idea of 'hero', only to piece by piece, build Gilgamesh back up in a way that is vulnerable and heartbreaking, but ultimately better than we started.

Lastly we're introduced to Ninshubar, a young woman who is a proven warrior and hunter among her people. I don't want to give too much away because he story is full of so many unexpected adventures, but she's the ride-or-die best friend we all wish we had.

All three of these characters' adventure start separately then weave together seamlessly as they cross paths and support each other along their individual journeys.

The story doesn't end on a cliff hanger, but there are some unanswered questions. The ARC I received from NetGalley and Titan Books included Chapter 1 from the next book in this series, and let me tell you my jaw dropped! I can't wait for book number two.

This book is best read under a tree, by the beach with your pet tigers on either side of you, while you eat figs, honey cakes and cheese. Remember to keep your sword or slingshot close by, because these parts are dangerous, even for a goddess like you.


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