Fantasy, Feminist Retelling Kay West Fantasy, Feminist Retelling Kay West

Long Live Evil by Sarah Rees Brennan

Long live dislikable female main characters with this flip on traditional fantasy tropes.

I love the idea of flipping the script on fantasy tropes, where our main characters are fundamentally good or working towards good. Our main character Ray, is pretty dislikable the entire time. She is selfish, and self-absorbed. She leans into being a villain so hard that she calls her guard Key "minion" regularly.

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Fantasy Kay West Fantasy Kay West

Bookshops & Bonedust by Travis Baldree

This book is best read while you're recovering from an injury/illness, sitting in a well-loved chair, while eating fresh baked goods. Oh, and if the book suddenly opens up a portal into another dimension, definitely reach your hand through and see what you can find.

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