Dark Water Daughter by H.M. Long


An atmospheric, dual POV, wintery fantasy pirate adventure with a powerful female main character.

If you haven't been introduced to H.M Long's brand of storytelling yet, this is a perfect entry point. The pacing is fast enough to keep us wondering what's going to happen next, but slow enough to make us feel the snowflakes on our skin, hear the storm outside the window and taste the beer from the port tavern.

We're introduce to Mary when she's lined up with other criminals waiting to be hung. She has been mistaken for a vicious highway woman. The man beside her promises to help her escape if she can cause a distraction. Little does anyone know, Mary is a stormsinger, a magical talent that can control winter storms. From there we follow Mary as she journey's to rescue herself and find her mother.

We also follow Samuel Rosser is a disgraced naval officer who is tracking the most notorious pirate the seas have seen, Lirr. His path often crosses with Mary's as fate pushes them together. Interestingly, Samuel also has a magical talent, which is connected to Mary's. There's no romance in book 1, but there's a solid foundation for what might be in book 2.

Talking about book 2, H.M Long has shared that book 2 is already in the works, although the name hasn't been released yet. I had so much fun on this adventure, I can't wait to go back!

Thank you to NetGalley and Titan books for the advanced reader copy. I follow H.M Long on TikTok and Instagram, because her content is on point and she often recommends other amazing fantasy, action and female-lead books. Find her @hmlongbooks.

This book is best read in a port-side tavern, drinking a pint of ale, while someone sings bawdy folk songs. Remember to wrap your cloak tight around you, and if you don't have one, steal one from a good-looking disgraced navel officer.


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