Leather & Lark by Brynne Weaver


I loved this just as much as Butcher & Blackbird. We have the same iconic vibes of 'multiple deleters' falling in love, but the story is unique and fast paced.

I laughed a lot. I teared up. I put so many annotation tabs in my book! I'm crying that I'll never be able to read this for the first time again.

I loved every minute of this. Absolutely worth the hype.

In this book you'll find:
🎤 Arranged / marriage of convenience
🎤 Hate to love
🎤 He falls first
🎤 Cute feckin' nicknames
🎤 Kickass elderly matriarch
🎤 Murder crafting
🎤 Best bonus chapter of all time

This book is best read after buying lube . . . to unstick that ring. It's going in the snowglobe one way or another.


The Undermining of Twyla and Frank by Megan Bannen


The Home Wrecker by Sara Cate