Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are by Harleigh Beck


A waking nightmare of erotic horror, in three parts.

A Halloween celebration out in the middle of nowhere. Just a bunch of teenagers having a good time, on the eve of the one year anniversary of their classmates unsolved murder. Just before the partying can begin, the murdered classmate reappears to take revenge from the person responsible.

I love the creepy vibes of the book and how the story arc gets more and more unhinged as we progress. I felt disoriented occasionally, which was very intentional from the author and used as an effective storytelling device.

🩸Dub con/ non-con / SA
🩸Breath/blood play
🩸 "Little Killer"

This was recommended to me by @HeatherRoue on IG as a great book to read, especially if you are new to the erotic horror genre.

This book is best read right before bed. I promise you'll have the wildest dreams.


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The Dire Reaction by M.A. Cobb