Bittersweet Chocolate by C.M. Guidroz


Feminine rage and pleasure find each other in this erotic horror short story.

This was recommended to me by a friend that knows I am feral for feminine rage and she was 100% correct. The writing was solid, the story was dark, the gore was upsetting (I loved it).

We're following a stay-at-home mother of a young child, who is losing her identity, and has already lost her independence to her emotionally and physically abusive, cheating husband.

I love the use of her Insanity (she sees herself committing violent acts as a waking dream), to build up the erotic horror elements. The ending has some amazing splatterpunk vibes too.

My only holdback is that the husband is too 'evil'. Her rage is valid even without him cheating or being physically abusive. I wish the husband character walked the line of just this side of 'what, I didn't mean anything by it." And I find that more rage-inducing.

This book is best read while planning a special Valentine's Day with your partner. Best to add an alibi in there too.


Fiasco by Constance Fay


Dark Obsessions (McGowan Mafia #3) by Effie Campbell