Atalanta by Jennifer Saint


Another beautiful and captivating Greek mythology retelling from one of the best!

If you love Greek mythology but haven't heard of Atalanta's heroic adventures, this is the best place to start. The first part of the book focuses on her participation as an Argonaut, helping Jason to steal the golden fleece. While she stands out as one of the best of the team, retellings of this adventure often leave her out all together, and Jennifer Saint bolds and underline's the importance of her gifts to the success of the quest.

The second part of the book we find Atalanta without a quest, a home or a patron in the goddess Artemis. Her battles turn from external to internal even as dramatic events continue to unfold around her. The weight of her decisions feel heavier and the story's emotional arc hits all the right notes.

The audiobook is narrated by Beth Eyre, who also narrated Saint's last book, Elektra. And there is a reason she was invited back again, because her narration casts a spell on the listener that will make it hard to pause until the end. Her voice is Atalanta, and when I read the hardback (which I've already pre-ordered!) I'll be reading it in her voice.

Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for this advanced listener copy.

This book is best read after picking golden apples, but before training for a run.


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