What Feasts at Night by T. Kingfisher


A great gothic, supernatural horror mystery and a solid follow up in the Sworn Soldier series.

Our sworn soldier, Alex Easton, and their bestfriend/valet, Angus, uncover another unsettling supernatural mystery in this gothic follow-up to What Moves the Dead. If you loved What Moves the Dead, you'll be happy to be back with Easton and Angus as they return home to Gallacia, only to discover the caretaker of the family home is missing and the house in disrepair. If you haven't read What Moves the Dead first, you'll still enjoy this book, but might miss some significance between the character relationships.

The vibes in this story are everything. The old gothic mansion sits alone, on the top of a steep hill on the outside of town. I felt like I was there, with the floorboards creaking under my feet.

For generations, the villagers believed in a monster from local folklore is responsible for stealing people's breath, which now resides in the mansion. Easton, Angus and Miss Potter (who you may remember from the first book), work to uncover what is really happening as the time starts ticking before the next person's breath is stolen.

I flew through this audiobook in two sittings. When it comes to narration, Avi Roque is back again! They seamlessly slide between genders, accents and pacing that I had to double check there was only one narrator. Between the strength of the story and the amazing narration, any fan of T. Kingfisher will be glad they checked this out.

Thank you to NetGalley and MacMillan Audio for this advanced listener copy.

This book is best listened to from your bed in the barn while you listen to the storm outside. If the air starts to feel thin, it's already too late.


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