Scream For Us by Molly Doyle


A spicy MFMM novella that will make you wish everyday was Halloween.

Three tall, fit, masked men, who also ride motorcycles, have their sights set on Quinn at a Halloween party. Quinn was bullied in school and doesn't have a ton of self-confidence, but when a man in a ghost mask defends her from unwanted touching at a house party, a wild night begins.

Between exploring each other's bodies, the men enact a gruesome revenge on the people who bullied Quinn in school. The spice mixed with the violent plot was perfect.

🔥 Touch her and 💀
🔥 Sharing - MFMM
🔥 Halloween night
🔥 M*rder(s)
🔥 Mental health rep

This was my first Molly Doyle book, and it will not be my last.

This book is best read in a haunted house at a local Halloween fair. If you smell smoke, don't stop reading.


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