Maeve Fly by C.J. Leede


If American Psycho was updated and is now a young woman who I want to be my best friend, and who I am also terrified of.

An erotic horror story that follows a confident, resourceful and psychopathic 20-something FMC as she steps into the truest version of herself.

Actual quote to my erotic horror chat group when I finished the book, "I feel like I can't breath. That ending. . . [unable to form words]. It's amazing. [Unable to write full sentences] The whole book. But I need to stare at the wall or hug my kids. It's dark."

What this book will give you
👁️ Spice with a hockey player
👁️Finger confetti
👁️Carnal acts of religious desecration
👁️Spooned out eyeball
👁️Unsanitary use of eggs
👁️Dolls made with human hair, teeth and other items.

Favourite quotes
"I give his fingers a little chop and shower them around the bus. Place a couple of pieces in fun hiding spots for someone to find later, like a scavenger hunt. Finger confetti for everyone."
"There are many definitions of insanity in this world. One could argue that spooning a man's eyeball out of the socket and then performing carnal acts of religious desecration with it is insanity. We will revisit this later."

This book is best read at a Halloween party, while covered in convincingly real looking blood.


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