Crossed Over: A coming out story by Santana Knox


I will never recover from this ending.

This is a coming-of-age story as a woman in her mid/late 20s finds the courage to step into her own power, through the support of her roller derby team.

I love that our main character, Nia da Silva, is so complicated. The story has her tackling her sense of self worth through her identity (is she ever Brazilian enough having grown up in the US?), her sense of sexuality (does she actually like men?), and her sense of accomplishment in the sport she loves but that left her broken (roller derby).

The pacing got a bit slow in the middle, and I wish there was more chemistry between Nia and her love interest, but overall I enjoyed the story.

As I alluded to at the top of this review, the ending really shook me up. I had to stare at a wall for a while after I finished.

This book is best read while hanging out with your best girlfriends at a houseparty. Maybe take an Uber home.


The Deading by Nicholas Belardes


Black Tide Son by H.M. Long