Alfie, Darling by Effie Campbell


"Waking up nearly naked and in chains wasn't exactly unusual for me, but . . ." Alfie brings the headonism wherever he goes, including when he gets kidnapped.

I met Alfie in McGowan Mafia #4, "Dark Desires", where he runs a pleasure castle deep in the Scottish Highlands and he was such a fun character. This book focuses on who Alfie is, his backstory and how his past has caught up to him.

This book has a much more serious tone than Dark Desires. It deals with unhealthy parent relationships, SA, human trafficking and more. Harriet has escaped her abusive life and is taking revenge on everyone who participated in her SA, including Alfie.

I love a story about a woman stepping into her power, owning her anger and getting revenge. For a book with three POVs, I wished it was a little longer so I could really get to know the characters better. Alfie is such a free spirit and I loved getting to know his back story.

Cute nicknames!
- My beautiful terror
- Little monster

🔒 FMC is 40!
🔒Death / Torture / Violence / Kidnapping
🔒Incandescent female rage
🔒Lasagna (trust me on this)

This is a great read if you're looking for something that is dark, short and has a really interesting MMF dynamic. Thank you to Effie Campbell for the ARC.

This book is best read over lasagna dinner, ignore the bleeding man in the corner with the severed tendons.


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