The Mystery Guest by Nita Prose (Molly the Maid #2)


A cozy murder mystery with our favourite maid and her sweet-as-honey colleagues from the Grand Regency Hotel.

If you liked the first book in this series, The Maid, then you'll be happy to be back with our lovable characters in the familiar walls of the hotel they all work in. This time we're in the hotel's tearoom, where a famous, but reclusive, murder mystery author is about to make an announcement. But before he can make the announcement he drops dead on stage and chaos ensues. Little does anyone realize, Molly and her gran had previously worked as maids within this author's house. The book bounces between past and present as Molly puts clues together to uncover who is responsible for the death.

As with The Maid, what makes this book truly special are the cast of characters working within the hotel. Molly is now Head Maid and is responsible for a new hire who may have secrets of her own. Mr. Preston, the front door valet, is still looking out for Molly in his paternal way, but also has something he needs to reveal. Angela is the bartender at the hotel restaurant and is not one to shy away from drama or rumours. All together the cast of familiar characters kept me turning the page to the very end.

What I really liked about The Maid (book #1) were all the twists and turns. I was hoping for that familiar dizzying maze of 'ah hah!', however The Mystery Guest is more like an onion, where Molly peels back layer after layer until the centre is revealed.

This book is best read in your home library while drinking tea and listening to the familiar tatta-tat-tat of typewriter keys from down the hall. If a secret door in the library opens, beware of who is inside.


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