The Luminous Dead by Caitlin Starling


An insular, claustrophobic, sci-fi horror, where nothing is as it seems.

If you want a story that starts right in the middle of the action, this is it. We meet our main character, Gyre, as she's already suited up and climbing deeper into a pitch-black cave system, alone, with only occasional voice messages from 'base'. We quickly realize 'base' (and the entire mission) is not what it seems.

There are only two characters in this book, and it takes place entirely in this cave system (full of monsters, the dead and maybe something more?) I love books that are constrained like this. It showcases an authors skill in being able to ramp up the feeling of dread while also keeping the story moving forward. That skill is on full display here.

The book lags a little around the mid-point when our main character starts telling us how she's feeling about the things she's experiencing, rather than living the action with her. But it picks back up again and keeps you holding on until the very end.

I listened to the audiobook, narrated by Adenrele Ojo. It was my first time hearing her, but I'll be seeking out her narration going forward. She did a great job bringing the words to life and the feeling of dread directly into my brain.

This book is best read in the dark with only a headlamp. If you hear a voice calling you deeper into the dark, run.


Linghun by Ai Jiang


The Dead Take the A Train